Sunday, July 19, 2015

Cliff-side Living: Our Cute New Fenced Yard for Toddlers

Recently I had children, and the previously romantic reality of cliff-side living became a little more high-stakes to say the least. Chasing an energetic toddler with a baby in my arms while she teetered on the edge of oblivion picking flowers was a potential heart attack situation. I quickly determined I would be needing a YARD. Fenced, safe, and friendly for the next few years of tiny feet.

 These two spent plenty of time outside in the shade, taking in the beauty of their surroundings and learning to love nature.
 This outdoor carpet keeps the deck friendly for bare feet and picnics. It gets great shade most of the day. This year has been so dry, the mosquitoes haven't been bad! These are the little things that make summer great.
Some scraps of outdoor carpet over the gravel walkway help us get from the stairs to the deck, yard, or sandbox. The fence behind the little house is incomplete, but will be closed soon. New grass surrounds the little house, which also has a charming stone doorstep.
 I like to sit on the lawn chair and watch the kids play with the kitties in their plush kennel.
We replaced the rotten bottom step of the stairs with some wood that happened to be blue, LOL. We'll have to paint that brown. Thank you for visiting our little cliff-side oasis this summer, may cool breezes and lovely shade be in your plans this month!